Tuesday 7 February 2017

The leg

The leg

The leg that makes us to what we are. It's the main reason of our existence
but it annoys me sometimes.
It's the reason why we make mountains out of molehills. It's the reason why we get emotional about relevance.
Sometimes when it happens to me.
I would ask myself why?
Why do I have tears in my eyes?
Why do I have a smile as wide as the equator?
And then I realise it's because of the leg that makes the Y-chromosome to the X-chromosome. It’s something that is out of my control. I wished I had it under control.
If I could I would like to be the master of my emotions. And always keep a straight face. A poker face. No-one should see my inside from my appearance without my allowance.
But unfortunately I am just a normal human being with all what come with it.

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